Learning the causes of bad breath is the first step to learning how to cure it. In this article, you will learn everything about bad breath and the types of bad breath you can smell.

KAMPALA | LIFESTYLE UGANDA (https://lifestyleuganda.com/) — Knowing bad breath causes is an important first step in learning how to cure bad breath. If you are suffering from it right now, either way, you are likely wondering what you could do to eliminate bad breath permanently and how to prevent bad breath from developing into a chronic condition.
- Bad breath can be caused by underlying diseases such as diabetes or heart disease.
- Brushing and sipping plenty of water effectively treat acid reflux and reduce bad breath.
- See also, What is Heartburn, the symptoms and how can I treat it?
- We recommend you to read how to get rid of bad breath permanently.
- This article is supported by Makeup Store Uganda, a cosmetics store in Kampala.
Or, maybe you are worried about your child or infant’s smelly breath as well. Learn in this article all the bad breath causes as well as the types of bad breath smells so you can remedy your bad breath.
The full definition of halitosis is an unpleasant odour coming from the mouth. It is generally caused by poor oral hygiene and/or poor dieting practices. There are many other causes such as tobacco and alcohol use, sinus infections, respiratory conditions and medications.
Whatever the cause may be, bad breath is the most common symptom people notice when they are not brushing or flossing regularly. And, the more you eat and drink, the worse your breath will smell.
Learning what bad breath causes can help you find ways to avoid them and treat them if they happen. Knowing what types of bad breath smells is an important first step in learning to get rid of bad breath from the stomach. Knowing what smells is not the issue.
What stinks and what doesn’t smell are 2 different things. Knowing the types of bad breath causes will help you understand how to treat the conditions that do not smell bad.
One of the types of bad breath smells that does not smell bad is the type that arises from digestive processes and food particles in the mouth. This occurs when bacteria from the digestive system break down protein molecules. The result can be a smelly odour coming from the throat. In some cases, this odour can be strong enough to make someone sick.
The problem arises when it smells more like faeces than actual food.
Bacteria from the digestive system break down proteins found in foods. When this process goes wrong, bad breath causes bacteria to multiply in the mouth. If you have this type of halitosis, the odour comes from the back of your throat where the gums tend to gather food particles.
If the food particles can be removed and the bacteria are not permitted to grow, you may suffer from this type of halitosis and not even know about it.
One of the most common causes of bad breath causes is dry mouth. A dry mouth condition is where there is an absence of saliva, the substance that guards against the growth of bacteria. This condition can occur because of ill-fitting dentures, chronic dry mouth caused by medications or tooth decay.
Brushing and flossing regularly can help prevent dry mouth and lessen bad breath causes.
Another way to prevent halitosis is to practice good oral hygiene. To practice good oral hygiene, always brush and floss after meals. Brushing removes particles that will eventually become trapped between your teeth. Flossing removes particles from between teeth, reducing the risk of plaque and gum disease.
There are many bad breath products on the market to help you minimize your oral hygiene routine and fight bad breath. Visit a dentist regularly to get his recommendations for bad breath prevention products.
Some causes of bad breath include underlying diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. These conditions cause blood vessels to deteriorate and eventually stop functioning properly. The smell of these conditions is often difficult to remove, so the best way to battle this problem is through regular dental visits and treatment for the underlying problem.
Acid reflux is another common cause of bad breath. Heartburn occurs when food or liquid from the stomach back into the oesophagus. It occurs most frequently during the night and leaves a bad taste in the mouth, but can be eliminated by frequent visits to the dentist.
This condition is worsened by poor oral hygiene practices. Brushing and drinking plenty of water are effective remedies to control acid reflux and prevent bad breath.
Smoking is also one of the top causes of bad breath. Cigarette smoking loosens natural gum tissue and causes permanent stains on the teeth. Brushing and flossing regularly will help prevent this condition, but in the case that it does occur, a dentist appointment should be made right away.
A professional cleaning at the dentist, followed by a professional tooth whitening procedure, will get your smile back. Following proper oral hygiene practices will not only prevent halitosis but will also have a positive effect on your overall health and well-being.
Another bad breath cause has to do with mouth infections. There is a thin layer of the gum tissue in the mouth that protects the teeth. As you can imagine, gum disease is painful and dangerous.
It is possible for the infection to spread to other parts of the body through blood transfusions, and can even spread to the lungs if not treated.
The cure for this disease is very simple, avoid eating sugary foods, quit smoking, and visit your dentist regularly. These simple measures will eliminate your bad breath problem for good.
This article is supported by Makeup Store Uganda, a Cosmetics Store in Kampala with original makeup products from Europe. They are located at Equatorial shopping mall, level 2 shop no 272, and you may contact them via WhatsApp at +256793851784 or by phone at +256789436581.