Boxer and politician Manny Pacquiao and mixed martial artist Dustin Poirier have teamed up to help the Batwa Pygmies in Uganda through the Manny Pacquiao Foundation.

KAMPALA | LIFESTYLE UGANDA — Manny Pacquiao, the Filipino boxer and politician, and Dustin Poirier, the American mixed martial artist, are working together to help the Batwa Pygmies in Uganda via the Manny Pacquiao Foundation.
As part of his partnership with the Manny Pacquiao Foundation, Dustin Poirier is raising funds and awareness for the construction of 32 two-bedroom homes for the Batwa Pygmies on 43 acres of land in Bundibugyo, Uganda.
Poirier said that the Good Fight Foundation envisions a world where people unite together to help people in need.
“The Good Fight Foundation envisions a world where people in need are united, Poirier said.
“We are exceedingly thankful to be working on the Uganda project with Justin Wren and the Manny Pacquiao Foundation, and we hope others will join us in our efforts to make a difference in the lives of the people in Uganda. Let’s change the world together!”
“We are grateful for the incredible collaboration with Justin Wren and the Manny Pacquiao Foundation on our Uganda project. We hope to engage other people in our efforts to improve Ugandans’ lives, let us change the world together.”
Poirier will auction off his fight memorabilia from UFC 264 with all proceeds going to the campaign.
As part of the project, Poirier and Pacquiao made initial contributions of USD 50,000 each from their foundations. The two will continue raising funds and awareness until the project is completed.
Pacquiao said the Manny Pacquiao Foundation is honoured to work with such amazing people on the project in Uganda.
”It is an honour for the Manny Pacquiao Foundation to be working on this project with such remarkable people,” Pacquiao said.
‘Dustin Poirier and Justin Wren both have huge hearts, and the work they do through their foundations is touching many lives. We can accomplish so much together, and I hope many people will join us as we complete this project and make a lasting impact.’
The constructors of all 32 homes are in-country social entrepreneurs and tradesmen, and 15 of the 32 homes are already completed, along with one water tower and plumbing and infrastructure for bringing clean water into each home.
There are plans to construct a school for local youths, as well as build a medical clinic, pharmacy and two additional water tower systems serving up to 3,000 people from the villages in and around the Batwa Pygmies.
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