UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Reveals Conditional Plan for Reopening the Economy.

On Wednesday, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a COVID-19 survivor, addressed the nation, outlining his plan for reopening the economy.
Beginning on May 13, the first step to reopening the UK economy will occur when those who cannot work from home are encouraged to return to work.
The manufacturing and construction industries will reopen.
Returnees should avoid public transportation as much as possible to prevent the spread of the disease. Residents will be allowed to enjoy public parks and places without exercising while outdoor fitness is now unlimited.
The second step of reopening the UK economy is that some primary students will return to school on June 1st. This phase includes reopening stores if supported by science.
The third step involves reopening the hospitality industry if the evidence of improvement is clear. Johnson was careful to explain that the plan was not set in stone.
“We’re going to be driven by science, data and public health in this period of the next couple of months, not just because of faith or economic need. I want to reiterate that all of these are conditional, all of which are a series of big IFs.”
The Prime Minister of Scotland criticized Johnson’s speech, saying that he did not mention that most of these changes would only apply to the UK rather than the UK.
Due to slow testing and insufficient surveillance capabilities, it is unclear whether the UK will open as part of the plan.
Meanwhile, the science-based reopening program is out of the question before launching. On May 11, the UK found a death rate of 48 per 100,000, the 6th highest in the world.
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