The Bundesliga is the first major European football league to return to action.

Bundesliga: On Wednesday, May 6, after a two-month suspension of the league’s game due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus, the German government gave the green light to its National Football League to return to action again.
The German Football League team is meeting today to decide whether or not they will return on May 15 or May 22.
The Bundesliga is the first major European football league to return to action and should provide a beacon of hope for other European leagues looking to return.
The league has nine competitive days and there is a promise to end the season by June 30th. Fans will not be allowed into the stadiums, as Germany has banned mass meetings until 31 August.
Other major players in the UK, Italy and Spain await the arrival of June, although the leagues of France, the Netherlands and Belgium have been discontinued.
How the Bundesliga handles its action in terms of the policy, regulation and security should provide a model for other European leagues to follow when reviving.
The Bundesliga teams began training in small groups at the beginning of April on plans to bring the league back with the medical team needed for training and competitive action.
Players and staff have been tested for coronavirus, and in the first wave, 1,724 tests were conducted on all 36 clubs of the top two tiers in the last two weeks. Of these, 10 were reported to health authorities and identified with COVID-19 cases.
An interesting note from the report is that the league has decided, along with the government, that if a player or staff member is tested positive, the person must be isolated, but the return plan does not require full team isolation, and one of its team members is ill.
Several league officials have said some teams would suffer financial ruin if the league did not return this season. The league is unlikely to isolate the entire team.
Currently, the league is 4 points ahead of Bayern Munich’s second-place Borussia Dortmund. This is the RP. The race is a five-team race for the top four with Leipzig, Borussia Munchengelbach and Bayern Leverkusen.
If we can set the pattern for the rest of Europe when we return to play, we can enjoy significant football throughout the summer.