Are you eating high protein foods because you want to build muscle? Or do you think they help you lose weight? If you want to build big muscles, your diet will have a big impact.

Are you eating high protein foods because you want to build muscle? Or do you think they help you lose weight? If you want to build big muscles, your diet will have a big impact. Protein is what makes up the major building blocks of muscle – i.e. amino acids.
You can get protein from just about any food you eat. Meat is the best choice but many vegetarians won’t eat it because it’s so high in fat. Meat contains 8.5 grams of protein per serving and that’s just enough to provide the necessary amino acids we need to repair cells and build muscle.
The other foods high in protein are legumes such as beans (2.5 grams), nuts (3.5 grams) and seeds (5 grams).
Milk is also high in protein and so is cheese. But dairy is a good source of calcium, which isn’t always available in cheeses. Cheese is a good source of low-fat, natural fat and is high in calcium, too. So if you’re on a low-calorie or vitamin-dense diet you may want to stay away from dairy products.
On the other hand, if you’re trying to boost your calcium intake for some reason, milk is a pretty good source of that, too.
Another very good source of protein is canned tuna. If you cook the tuna in olive oil, which is the most common method, the resulting fish meal is very high in protein, particularly if it’s high-quality grade tuna.
Many experts recommend getting at least three ounces of canned tuna a day, though many others recommend more.
Because tuna is high in good fats, it’s also high in potassium, a mineral that helps regulate your blood pressure.
If you add canned tuna to your diet – or buy it already prepared – it will provide you with another group of nutrients. You can eat plenty of fish and still get plenty of protein, calories and potassium. Of course, you should also make sure you’re getting plenty of those other nutrients as well.
A serving of fish contains about six grams of protein per serving, a little less than one ounce of meat and one ounce of dairy.
Eggs are high in protein content, but they also pack a lot of sodium, calories and fat. Eggs are high in cholesterol and high in fat, both of which are potential health risks if you don’t watch your diet.
However, an egg is one of the least calorie-intensive foods around, so it makes a nice balanced breakfast choice.
If eggs aren’t your thing, try yoghurt instead. You might not think of yoghurt as a food, but it’s actually a good bet if you want to stay healthy and get a little bit of protein and calcium too. You can eat plenty of fruit and still get plenty of calcium and protein, which is better than nothing.
One cup of Greek yoghurt has about six grams of protein and about eight grams of calcium, so it’s a pretty good bet.
Fiber is another one of those’must haves’ that everyone should make sure to include in their diet. High fiber foods like vegetables and whole grains provide lots of fiber, which means you’ll feel full for a longer period of time. It’s not only good for your waistline, but it can reduce your risk for diabetes by lowering your blood sugar.
The best sources of fiber are nuts, beans and legumes. An ounce of almonds contains about 29 grams of protein, a little less than an egg, but about twice as many vitamins and other nutrients.