Vevo and Musixmatch, a music data and song company have introduced a new ad curation product called Moods, which is designed to help advertisers target the site’s users more effectively.

Vevo, the US music video platform has teamed up with data and song company MusicixMatch to launch a new service called Moods, which is designed to help advertisers target the site’s users based on their emotions.
The service uses a unique model developed by Musixmatch, which assigns a mood to the metadata tag of each Vevo video, allowing brands to target the audience based on the emotionally relevant context.
Initially, the choice of moods available to advertisers in Vevo is fun, heartfelt, emotional and empowering. The company says additional moods and features will be released soon.
Advertisers who place their ads within emotional content via Moods can create a positive and memorable advertising experience for consumers, which will enhance the recall and brand advantage.
“We can not manage Vevo’s programming to better fit a person’s mindset, but we can directly ensure that advertisers find their campaigns to be very meaningful and effective, as well as guarantee a high – quality, brand-safe environment,” said Kevin McGurn, Vevo’s Head of Sales and Distribution.
“Therefore, it is logical that we have synergy between advertising creativity and the mood that it creates with the music video around it.”
Eyal Golshani, Senior Director of Data Science at Vevo, said: “Everything we do affects our mood, including the content we consume and the advertising we engage with. From joy to fear, from sadness to hope, music videos are a constant comfort and a recording of our daily lives.
“With our innovative data-based capabilities, We can better understand our audience and their mood when watching, to provide the best music video experience.”
Vevo offers fans access to a large list of music videos that include official label releases and content produced by Vevo in an ad-supported environment. The video service claims to have more than 1 billion active users worldwide, 149 million of whom are in the United States.
In October last year, Vevo announced an alliance with XITE to launch an exclusive music video experience for Apple TV. The two companies have been working together to effectively monetize Vevo’s music video linked TV applications through an advertising sales partnership in the US and Europe.