As we progress to the festival seasons, clubs and pubs are the best places to go for a perfect leisure time. Today on Lifestyleug, we look at the best advice for Girls on how to dress in Bars and Nightclubs.
Now, regardless of who you are, everyone has at least a little bit of trouble when it comes to what to wear or how to dress in bars and nightclubs.
Girls are under pressure to look hot all the time, while guys can just look average or above average (horrible double standard, isn’t it?).
The dilemma of what to wear on a night out drives girl crazy, so here are a few tips for you girls on how to look your best with minimal stress.
1. Unless you are looking for every single guy to stop and make inappropriate comments at you, make sure that your dress/skirt/top covers you up enough (at least while you’re standing and walking).
2. Always bring a clutch or small bag with eyeliner, lip gloss, and any other necessities. You never know when these will come in handy.
3. You really don’t have to wear high heels. Girls may think that it makes them look ‘hotter’, but the truth is: if a guy is interested in you, he won’t be looking at your feet.
4. Do not – and I repeat, do not – coat on concealer or foundation.
While it may be great to hide those pimples that just appeared, it’s not great when there’s bits of powder running down your face because you’ve been dancing too much.
5. On that note, stay away from any forms of heavy makeup, unless it is waterproof.
6. Don’t wear overbearing perfume. Those magazines that tell you to spray perfume on your neck, elbows, wrists, and the backs of your knees are making you a walking advertisement for a brand.
Perfume on the neck and wrists is enough. The worst thing is a guy smelling you before he can see you.
7. Earrings are a great complement to any outfit you wear. The bigger the earrings, the hotter you look. If in doubt, hoops are always a safe bet.
8. Pants are not good for bars or nightclubs. They may be more practical, and you may think it’s warmer for those winter nights but when you get inside they will seem like the worst decision you ever made.
If you really don’t want to wear a skirt or dress, opt for leggings or shorts instead.
9. Always accentuate your curves. Whether this is with a belt or with an outfit that naturally does it, trust me…Curves are hot. Ignore the runway. I cannot say this enough. Guys. Dig. Curves.
10. Lip gloss should only be applied in small, small amounts.
It might look nice, but if you’re kissing someone it is not. Besides, nobody wants to feel like they have a layer of something over their lips.
These tips on how to dress in Bars and Nightclubs may just help ease the stress of getting ready a little bit.
After all, we want to spend more time at the bars and nightclubs, rather than spending time getting ready for anything that helps you look hotter during the night has got to be a plus.