About six weeks may be needed to recover from your caesarean section or C-section.

KAMPALA | LIFESTYLE UGANDA — A caesarean section (C-section) can require roughly six weeks to recover. Many women are able to lift light objects, have sexual intercourse and do some daily chores six weeks after C-section.
Doctors might recommend abstaining from heavy lifting, intercourse or any other strenuous activity for a few more weeks. But for most women, they can return to a normal workload two months after a C-section.
This process may be different depending on the type of surgery you had. If your uterus was repaired during surgery (uterus sutured), you may need to wait about eight weeks before resuming strenuous activities like lifting heavy items or doing PCOS exercise routines that involve deep squats and jumping jacks.
If you had a vaginal birth after a c-section (VBAC), you could start exercising six weeks after surgery. Taper off gradually to make sure that you don’t injure yourself.
You usually don’t need to take a break from exercise during pregnancy. Start light and build up gradually. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says you should:
Be careful about lifting heavy objects before your pregnancy is over, especially if you had a c-section or VBAC. If you hurt yourself during the recovery process, call your doctor right away for advice on how to treat an injured muscle and what other medical care might be needed to prevent future problems.
If you have previous abdominal surgery, talk to your doctor about what kind of activity is safe for you during pregnancy. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says that you should avoid heavy lifting before 37 weeks of pregnancy to prevent uterine rupture, which could lead to uterine bleeding or placental abruption.
It’s common for pregnant women to feel some pain in their abdomen during or after pregnancy, according to the ACOG. If pain persists for several days after a C-section, check with your doctor right away.
He or she might recommend taking an over-the-counter pain reliever like acetaminophen or a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Or you might be referred to a doctor who specializes in treating pregnant women with pain.
If the pain is mild and doesn’t go away after a few days, call your doctor for advice on what to do next. If you have heavy bleeding, fever or nausea, call an ambulance right away.
Keep in mind that tenderness or swelling after a C-section can be common for several days (even months) after surgery. Most women can resume their normal activities and return to work two months after a C-section. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) says that one-third of women have backaches after pregnancy and treatment of these symptoms may improve with time.
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 2003 found that the rate of incontinence and pelvic pain after childbirth was similar to the rates for older women. Stretching exercises can help relieve some of these symptoms, according to ACOG.
If you have problems with incontinence or pelvic pain, talk to your doctor about what treatment options might be safe during pregnancy. He or she may recommend special exercises, physical therapy or a surgical procedure such as a myomectomy.
If you already have had a myomectomy, talk to your doctor about how this will affect you during pregnancy. Also, see your doctor if you think you are having contractions while pregnant.