In this article, we’ll be talking about the most common treatments for mild asthma attacks and how they work.

If you suffer from asthma attacks, you’ll need to keep yourself well-medicated at all times. Asthma is a condition that causes the airways in the lungs to become inflamed, and it can be triggered by allergies, infections, and exercise.
If you don’t act quickly and get treatment when an asthma attack starts, your symptoms can snowball into more dangerous territory.
Some people experience asthma symptoms like coughing and wheezing at night, while others notice difficulty sleeping during the day.
However, when asthma attacks occur, more than just your lungs are affected. A person with asthma may also feel tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, and pain in their chest or throat that may wake them from sleep.
These symptoms can be quite disconcerting and frightening. In order to get a basic idea of what you can expect from your asthma attacks, let’s begin with a brief anatomy lesson: The lung is made up of two main parts – the upper lobe and the lower lobe.
Your upper lobes are associated with the nose, and the airways that relate to your upper lobes are connected to the nose and mouth. Your lower lobes relate to your throat area and the airways that are connected to this region of your lungs.
The main thing to know about asthma is that it’s an inflammatory condition where your bronchial tubes (the air pathways connecting your mouth and nose with your lungs) get swollen and inflamed, making it difficult for air to flow freely through them. This inflammation reaction in asthmatics gets triggered by allergens like pollen, dust, cigarette smoke, and pet dander.
When your airways get inflamed and swollen, it causes spasms that make breathing through these tubes more difficult. As a result, the windows to your lungs (called bronchi) narrow, and you may start to wheeze and cough.
This is when asthma can seem like an inevitable attack.
The good news is that there are several ways you can treat asthma while you’re still able to control it to prevent it from getting out of hand. In this article, we’ll be talking about the most common treatments for mild asthma attacks and how they work.
Steps to stay well-medicated
Asthma attacks typically occur with a sudden onset.
The most common way to control these attacks is with over-the-counter (OTC) asthma medications that relieve symptoms and get you feeling better faster. These medications come in the form of inhalers, pills, or eye drops and are available in most pharmacies without a prescription.
Learning how to use OTC asthma medications properly can help you keep an asthma attack under control so it doesn’t get out of hand.
Here’s a basic overview of how to stay well-medicated:
Step 1: Difference between an inhaler and an OTC asthma pill
It may seem like they’re interchangeable, but they aren’t. OTC asthma inhalers are devices that contain medicine that you put inside an aerosol canister. When you take a puff from the canister, the medicine gets shot out through a small hole into your airways and goes directly to your lungs.
Asthma inhalers come in two basic types: metered-dose inhaler (MDI) and dry-powder inhaler (DPI). MDI’s come with a metered dose of medication, meaning it’s designed to deliver the entire dose through a single puff.
If you’re using an MDI, be sure to read the directions on how many times to breathe in and out before taking the medicine.
DPI’s are designed to deliver a puff of asthma medication every time you press a lever or push a button. Once you empty the canister, you need to throw it away. You don’t need a prescription to buy OTC asthma inhalers, but if you have any issues with using them, be sure to ask a pharmacist or doctor for some guidance.
Asthma pills are usually marketed specifically for people who suffer from asthma symptoms like wheezing and shortness of breath. OTC asthma pills come in several different forms: leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRA); long-acting beta2-agonists (LABA); or combination products with corticosteroids.
You can buy an OTC asthma pill at a pharmacy without a prescription.
Step 2: Be aware of safe storage and dosage
In order to get the most out of your asthma inhaler, it’s important to keep it well-stored and clean. Before you put your asthma inhaler away, always make sure that the mouthpiece is dry so you can be sure it’s ready for the next time you need to use it.
You should also always store your asthma inhalers at room temperature.
When using an OTC asthma pill for relief from symptoms like wheezing, shortness of breath, or coughing, be sure to follow the directions on the package carefully.
For example, if the package tells you to take two pills twice a day, take two pills in the morning and two pills in the evening. Never exceed the number of asthma pills specified on the package.
Step 3: Prescription for inhalers or other asthma medications
A major part of keeping your asthma under control is making sure you take your prescribed medications at the right times and doses. OTC asthma pill can relieve symptoms like wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing that aren’t severe enough to warrant a trip to an urgent care centre or hospital emergency room.
But sometimes these methods alone aren’t enough to relieve symptoms quickly enough.
If your doctor has prescribed a prescription asthma inhaler, be sure to take it at the correct times.
These medications give you the most relief when they’re inhaled as quickly as possible, and you will get the greatest benefit from them if you follow your doctor’s directions exactly. Never use an inhaler that belongs to another person without permission from your doctor.
Also, keep in mind that all prescription inhalers must be kept out of reach of children or pets and stored in a location with low humidity and bright light for best results.
If you’re using an OTC medication for the relief of chronic symptoms like wheezing, do not take a dose greater than your doctor has prescribed. If you notice that you’re using asthma medication more often than prescribed, your doctor may want to increase the frequency and amount of the medication or change your prescription altogether.
Step 4: Make sure to get regular checkups
Long-term success in keeping asthma under control depends as much on your personal health habits as it does on the proper use of your asthma medications.
Always make sure to see a doctor at least once a year to receive free advice about how to take care of yourself, and how often you should come in for a physical exam even if no problems have been detected.
While many people with asthma will experience short-term relief from symptoms when they use OTC asthma medication, it’s still important to have regular checkups and keep your doctor informed of any changes in your condition.
Your doctor may be able to help you reduce the amount of OTC medication you have to take for relief.
But more importantly, regular checkups are the best way of ensuring that you’re taking the right dosage for your needs.
Step 5: Protect yourself from asthma triggers
Whenever possible, try to avoid things that can trigger asthma attacks or make existing symptoms worse. Contact your doctor if you know that certain things are likely to provoke a reaction and ask for advice on how to protect yourself.
For instance, if you know that members of your family smoke in the home and you are sensitive to tobacco smoke, try to reduce your exposure when possible.
If you’re aware of particular food allergies that cause asthma flare-ups, try to keep those foods out of your diet or at least be sure to take an antihistamine as a preventive measure. When outdoors, watch out for air pollution and smog. If it’s unavoidable, use an inhaler in advance to reduce the severity of symptoms.
Remember: There are many different kinds of asthma medication available at all levels of the treatment process – from immediate relief remedies to long-term control options. Anyone with asthma should work with a doctor or healthcare team to find the right combination and balance for them.
FAQs: Asthma
If you suffer from asthma, you’ll need to keep yourself well-medicated at all times. You may be prescribed steroids to help reduce inflammation in your airways and antihistamines to prevent your body from experiencing allergic reactions.
Your doctor will also likely recommend avoiding allergens whenever possible.
Do I need an asthma doctor?
Yes. Asthma is a lifelong condition and there’s no way to know if it will go away on its own. If you have asthma, it may be best to see a specialist as soon as you’re diagnosed and in order to manage symptoms.
What can happen if I don’t see an asthma doctor?
If you don’t get well-managed asthma, it can lead to health problems like chronic bronchitis or even lower oxygen levels which can make it difficult for your body to function properly.
What is asthma?
Asthma is a chronic lung disease that affects between 20 million and 30 million Americans each year. When you have asthma, your airways become inflamed and react to inhaled allergens. These symptoms include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and almost always a sense of suffocation.
How do I know if I have asthma?
If you think you might have asthma, see your doctor for a complete check-up to make sure everything is okay inside your lungs and airways.
How can I control asthma symptoms?
There are many different kinds of medications prescribed to people with asthma but it really depends on what your symptoms are like so speak with an allergy doctor regarding the best treatment plan for you.
That is all for this article, I hope you liked it and that it has been useful for you learning about Asthma attacks, triggers, symptoms and how to stay well-medicated. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.
We will answer it as soon as possible.