Pherrie Kim, known professionally as Pherrie Kimbugwe, has passed away. She was a former Manager and PR Officer at the renowned Ugandan venue Club Guvnor. Sources close to her confirmed that she succumbed to cancer.
Despite keeping a modest public profile, Pherrie Kim was a well-regarded personality in the entertainment industry, notably for her roles as a socialite and a Public Relations Officer. Her demise was unexpected, leaving many shocked as she had maintained privacy around her personal life for many years.
During her time at Club Guvnor, she achieved significant success, leaving a lasting legacy at the club.
In the wake of this sad news, friends, family, bloggers, and even Ugandans abroad who had the privilege of knowing Pherrie have taken to social media to express their condolences. Described as beautiful, humble, kind, stylish, and generous by her friends, Pherrie Kim’s passing has left a void in many lives. May her soul find eternal peace.