Sadly, anxiety disorders are on the rise, partly due to the pandemic. The following article discusses the five main types of anxiety disorders, which many people are unfamiliar with.

KAMPALA | LIFESTYLE UGANDA — If you are interested in knowing ”what are the five types of anxiety disorders”, then the following article is for you. Go ahead and read it.
A person may experience anxiety at various points in their lives, but it is only diagnosed as a disease if it causes severe suffering and hinders them from completing one or more aspects of their lives, such as education, employment, relationships, duties, or fun hobbies.
The fact is that anxiety issues are quite common over time and do not usually resolve on their own.
People often suffer from depression as a result of anxiety if they don’t receive treatment for it. If no other obstacles or worries exist, anxiety can be treated short-term by mental health experts.
In recent years, there has been an increase in anxiety disorders. The pandemic is partially to blame for the sudden surge in anxiety disorders.
The following article provides an overview of the five primary types of anxiety disorders.
A phobia is a fear of a specific animal, thing, or situation. The fear of dogs, spiders, heights, blood draws, the dentist, or any other situation falls into this category. Phobias of different kinds are known by different names.
A person with a phobia may either attempt to take extreme lengths to avoid the feared thing or scenario, or they will confront it, albeit with severe distress.
Before a fear is classified as a phobia, it must last at least six months.
Fears that are age-appropriate are not the same as phobias; for example, a 3-year-old who is terrified of the dark is not a phobia.
Generalised Anxiety
A person with generalized anxiety is concerned about a variety of issues, including school or job performance, finances, world events, natural disasters, interpersonal relationships, and other concerns.
These fears are difficult to manage and constantly rise to the surface, making it difficult for people to concentrate on their tasks.
Worries occur frequently and severely enough to make it difficult to concentrate and produce or exacerbate headaches, stomach aches, muscle tension, and irritability.
This is one of the most common types of anxiety disorders.
Panic Disorder
If a person experiences panic attacks that interfere with their normal day-to-day activities in some way, then they have panic disorder.
Panic attacks can include a wide range of symptoms, such as racing heart, rapid breathing, chest pain, dizziness, nausea, or abdominal pain, blurred vision, sweating, shaking, feelings of impending doom, and feeling as if the world is not real (as if you are in a dream or a movie), or feeling as if you are outside yourself.
The individual may also be afraid of losing control, dying, or going insane. Panic attacks can be sparked by a specific event or might strike apparently out of nowhere. Within 15 minutes, they normally reach their peak intensity.
It is crucial to remember that panic attacks can occur without having a panic disorder.
When a person has panic disorder, they either avoid circumstances that they believe may trigger a panic attack (such as going to the mall, going to the movies, or driving) or worry about having another episode.
Panic attacks should not be explained by a specific phobia or social anxiety in the case of panic disorder.
Social Anxiety Disorder
The persistent fear of being assessed or evaluated by others, combined with acute discomfort when interacting with others, is the hallmark of a social anxiety disorder (also called social phobia).
Someone may be terrified of saying the incorrect thing, feeling dumb, or being humiliated.
This anxiety can manifest itself in a single scenario, such as giving a presentation at school, or it can manifest itself in a variety of settings in which a child is uncomfortable dealing with peers and adults.
As a result, the anxious individual may avoid engaging with others while being at ease with close friends and relatives. An anxious person may also ask others to speak for them, such as ordering meals in a restaurant.
It is vital to note that shyness and social anxiety disorder are not the same things. Shyness is mild discomfort with interacting with people in specific contexts.
In contrast, social anxiety disorder interferes with an individual’s ability to function at home, school, work, or in their social circle. Social anxiety disorder is not always indicated by sporadic, temporary discomfort in social circumstances.
Separation Anxiety Disorder
When a person suffers from separation anxiety disorder they are constantly worried that they will lose their caregiver or attachment figure if they are separated from them.
Separation anxiety is a common component of a child’s early growth, but it can interfere with their development if it becomes extreme.
Separation anxiety causes people to worry about what will happen to their caregiver if they are separated, such as if the caregiver will die or become ill.
The individual is also concerned about what will happen to them if they are removed from their caretaker, such as whether they will be hurt or harmed.
Because of their increased anxiety, the person may appear “clingy” to their caregiver and have difficulty leaving their side to go to school, remain at home alone, or sleep alone.
Separation anxiety is frequently triggered by a stressful event or a loss. For instance, a little child who has lost a pet or a young adult who is moving out of their parents’ house for the first time.
It’s crucial to remember that anxiety is both common and manageable. If your child’s anxiety is interfering with their daily activities or duties (such as school or chores), medical care, or interpersonal interactions, talk to their primary care physician or a mental health provider about treatment options.
Having anxiety can be treated by a mental health expert by way of short-term therapy, as discussed above.