When it comes to foods that balance hormones in women, nothing is as versatile as chia seeds – you can add them to practically any food, trigger a new diet, and consume it on the go.

When most of us shop at the grocery store, we look at the ingredient lists of foods, their caloric contents and the innovative fruits or leafy vegetables we find on the shelves.
However, what we all ignore to notice is the hormone-balancing properties in those foods.
What most of us do not know is that the right type of food intake can have a wonderful effect on our hormone levels. For those of you who don’t know what to eat, don’t worry, we have your back.
Foods that balance hormones in women
Here is our list of the best foods to help balance hormones in women. Make sure you include at least 3 items in your daily diet from the list below.
#1. Whey protein
In addition to giving your body a certain amount of protein, whey protein is a wonderful source of tryptophan, which helps reduce the amount of stress and tension the body perceives by increasing your serotonin levels.
#2. Flax seeds
Rich in compounds such as phytoestrogens and lignans, flaxseed not only helps maintain your hormone levels but also fights against cancers such as colon, prostate and breast.
#3. Avocados
Avocado fruit is one of the best foods to balance hormones in women. Listed below are some of their many amazing properties:
- They balance the production of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone.
- Because they contain beta-sitosterol (butter) they lower the level of cholesterol in the blood.
- They help increase the production of the hormone DHEA, which is produced by the adrenal glands.
#4. Green tea
Green tea contains a compound called naturally occurring honey, which inhibits the release of cortisol. It keeps your stress and anxiety levels to a minimum.
#5. Coconut oil
Try coconut oil as your cooking medium. Don’t believe stories that are bad for your heart. On the contrary – it not only works wonders for your hormone levels but also keeps your blood sugar under control, boosts your immune system, helps with weight loss and improves your metabolism.
#6. Broccoli
Broccoli contains high levels of isothiocyanates, including indole-3-carbinol, which makes broccoli a great choice to keep your hormones in check.
How? Well, they help to break down the metabolism that is harmful to your body, they promote the growth of tumors, especially in your breast area, which is sensitive to estrogen.
In addition to broccoli, vegetables such as kale, brussels sprouts and cauliflower also have the same benefits as broccoli.
#7. Chia seeds
Chia seeds are one of the best sources of omega-3, as well as fiber. In addition to lowering your blood sugar levels, these seeds also help you with your blood pressure and insulin levels.
When it comes to foods that balance hormones in women, nothing is as versatile as chia seeds – you can add them to practically any food, trigger a new diet, and consume it on the go!
#8. Organic apples
Did you know that regular consumption of apples not only reduces the chances of developing your medical problems (osteoporosis, heart disease and cancer) but also helps to control type 2 diabetes?
This is thanks to the flavonoid quercetin found in apples, which naturally occurs as antihistamines. Apples contain phytoestrogens, commonly known as plant estrogens.
#9. Chaste berries
By stimulating the pituitary gland, pure berry mimics the effect of progesterone on the human body. It helps control the production of progesterone and estrogen in your body, which is why it is considered to be the best natural remedy for treating PMS related problems.
Other ways to balance hormones naturally in women
In addition to consuming foods that balance hormones in women, here are other things you can take care of to maintain a healthy balance of hormones within your body:
#1. Making changes in your eating habits
These are all pretty consistent and obvious things, but they still have to be said:
- Eat 4-5 small meals instead of 3 large ones.
- Eat small portions of food.
- Include green vegetables and fresh fruits in your diet. If fresh fruit is not an option, store frozen fruit.
- A large number of packaged foods/meals.
- Drink plenty of water. Never underestimate it.
- Eat at regular intervals.
- Never skip your breakfast.
- Maintain a food diary to see where you are eating and where you are lagging.
#2. Use herbs as condiments
Make sure you choose phytoestrogenic herbs because they contain estrogen-rich compounds. When consumed, they reduce the pressure on your body to produce more estrogen.
#3. Control your caffeine and alcohol intake
In addition to having diuretic properties (dehydrating you), drinks like these provide an immediate boost to your mind and body – by your brain permanently changing your body’s hormones.
Also, drinking too much alcohol causes your body to produce too much estrogen.
#4. Exercise regularly
Why? Your body releases endorphins, which are hormones that are happy when you work and are true to their name, so these endorphins can instantly lift your mood and help you feel better.
They also keep your cortisol levels (stress-increasing hormone) in the gut.
#5. Other tips
Increase the number of vitamins and minerals in your diet. Vitamins like Zinc, B6, Magnesium and Vitamin D help your body maintain healthy hormone levels.
Have a regular sleep cycle. This will help restore your hormonal cycles by allowing your body to function normally, so you do not have to be completely dependent on foods that balance hormones in women.