There are many women who suffer from haemorrhoids, and the most common cause of Hemorrhoids is stress. In this article, we will explain what you need to know about the pain they cause as well as what causes swollen veins.

KAMPALA | LIFESTYLE UGANDA ( — Hemorrhoids are often caused by constipation, colon cancer, and the use of internal or external douches. However, there are several other causes too, as this article explains in detail.
- It is also common for women to suffer from hemorrhoids, and the cause is stress.
- Here, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about these painful, swollen veins.
- How you can get rid of swollen veins and pain caused by haemorrhoids.
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We often think of the dangerous spots that prevent sex and other forms of intimacy, but there are actually many different things that can affect the movement of veins in our body, including many things that affect us during sex.
Well, hemorrhoids can be the cause of bleeding during intercourse, but it’s not a given that one will bleed during lovemaking. Some men can bleed during sex without a doubt, while other men can bleed only during sex, even though they were otherwise fine otherwise.
Many women also suffer from haemorrhoids, and the most common cause of hemorrhoids is stress. That makes the ‘urethra’ – the tube of flesh running from the anus to the lower abdomen – swell up in size.
If not treated in time, it can cause intense pain and discomfort that includes intense cramps, pain, itching and bleeding during intercourse.
However, for men, it could be due to genetics or other health issues, and it could also be due to the number of sexual partners they have in their life. There are other reasons too.
“Men who experience pain during sex because of hemorrhoids are usually constipated, which causes the colon to swell up. Because the anal sphincter, which keeps the rectum closed, weakens because of constipation, the colon contents swell up,” Dr Padma says, and adds that all the other causes can cause hemorrhoids in men too.
However, studies have been inconclusive.
1. Constipation
A person who suffers from constipation frequently experiences pain during sex, especially during the urethra, which is the tube of flesh running from the anus to the bladder. For this reason, in men, it is common to see blood in their urine during sex.
In a study conducted by the University of California, Davis, medical and nutrition students noted that men with constant constipation had 20 to 80 per cent of their body weight in the anus, which puts pressure on the anal sphincter.
“Stress is another cause of urethral stricture, especially in the developing world, where hemorrhoids are a common condition,” Dr Padma says. She also recommends relaxing techniques for people who have chronic constipation and giving your sphincter time to heal.
2. Male infertility
It may sound odd to many, but hemorrhoids can affect the fertility of men as well. Men, especially those who have suffered from an anal fissure and anal tears, may be wary of having sex with certain women.
Irregular sex, or multiple orgasms, can also lead to anal sphincter injuries. “The cause could be that the internal rectal ring or pudendal nerve doesn’t work well or blood doesn’t flow from the rectum to the pelvis,” Dr Padma says.
She recommends lubrication to both partners before engaging in sex, and once you have sex, she suggests that you are aware of your partner’s position in order to prevent injuring yourself.
“It’s also important to talk about your concerns and have conversations with your doctor or healthcare provider before engaging in anal sex,” she says.
3. Irritable bowel syndrome
Similar to the way an upset stomach can make sex uncomfortable, an upset colon can also make anal sex a painful experience for people with the condition.
”Irritable bowel syndrome could be a result of reduced blood flow to the anus, resulting in irritation of the anal sphincter and the anal wall,” Dr Padma explains. It is, however, important to note that other constipation and irritable bowel syndrome are just as painful, but the cause can be different, she adds.
“Although the exact cause of IBS is unknown, there are some risk factors that are known to increase the chances of IBS,” Dr Padma says. They include being female, being over the age of 50, being overweight, eating foods that contain high amounts of fiber, and having poor digestion, she says.
However, you may not have this problem as a result of the condition, according to Dr Ayesha Khan, clinical assistant professor at the University of California, San Francisco, and author of “For Women Only: Sex Tips for Working Women“.
“While the condition itself does not reduce sensation, those with IBS generally have a reduced capacity for sensation,” she says.
In the same way that people with IBS have reduced sensation in their rectum, she explains that those with prostate gland disorders such as prostatitis, which is an inflammation of the prostate gland, are often also more sensitive in the rectum.
4. Cervical dysplasia
When the external part of the cervix grows too large, it can push the internal part of the cervix up into the anal canal. Cervical dysplasia, which causes the enlargement of the cervix, is the most common gynaecological condition, affecting nearly 15 per cent of the population between 15 and 44.
It is an abnormal development of the uterus and cervix that can put a woman at a higher risk of cervical cancer, which is much more likely in people with the condition.
“Rectal prolapse can cause sphincter changes as well, making anal sex painful,” Dr Khan says. People who are diagnosed with this condition are often referred to as having a prolapse. When the sphincter muscles that allow the anus to close become weak, the back of the rectum can pop out of the anal canal, causing an internal anal sphincter prolapse.
There are also two other conditions that can cause anal sphincter prolapse. “Some people have overly flexible sphincters and they are not able to hold the anal sphincter in place,” Dr Padma explains. In rare cases, a certain type of cancer can also cause anal sphincter prolapse, she adds.
5. Structural disorders
If your anus doesn’t have a natural curve, a doctor may recommend altering it surgically. People with common types of anal fissures often have this procedure done.
These fissures are small tears in the lining of the anal canal that is usually caused by a strain in the rectum. They can sometimes be irritated by taking laxatives or incontinence products.
Anal fissures can cause severe pain, which can be relieved by stretching the anus, and rectal dilators, which expand the anal canal so that it stretches naturally. Surgery can sometimes fix it, too.
Occasionally, anal fissures can be caused by conditions such as diabetes, ulcerative colitis, and inflammatory bowel disease, which can damage the rectum.
6. Gout
A gout is a form of arthritis in which the body produces uric acid too quickly, which damages and breaks down the connective tissue in the joints. It is also caused by a buildup of minerals in the body, which can be caused by eating a lot of salt or eating too much meat.
“For some people with gout, having a gout flareup can cause anal pain as it can affect the nerve that goes into the back of the anal canal,” Dr Khan says.
Although the condition can be treated with medicine, Dr Padma warns that “the pain will eventually return after treatment and usually return to its original size.” In the meantime, “healing medications such as topical anesthetics and lidocaine injections” may help, she adds.
7. Ulcers
If your doctor suspects you have an ulcer, you should ask for a stool test, Dr Padma says. “If the stool test is positive, your doctor will send you to a gastrointestinal specialist and your symptoms may be managed with pain medications, such as antacids and lansoprazole,” she adds.
If you have a chronic ulcer or ulcerative colitis, you might need to have a biopsy done to diagnose it.
8. Constipation
Constipation affects between two and five per cent of people at some point in their lives. While this often causes no problems, a condition called idiopathic constipation can be problematic if it causes severe symptoms, such as cramping or bloating.
“If constipation causes diarrhea, doctors may give you laxatives and enemas to help you get rid of the constipation,” Dr Khan says. Medications can be prescribed to treat the problem, including laxatives and enemas, she adds. You may also need to have your bowels cleaned.
Certain medications, such as antacids, can also reduce constipation and the risk of complications, including diarrhoea, Dr Khan says.
9. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
PID is a form of pelvic inflammatory disease, which is a sexually transmitted infection that affects the vagina, vulva, and cervix. “It is caused by bacteria that normally live in the vagina becoming trapped in your cervix, and symptoms can include fever, vaginal discharge, and pain in the pelvic area,” Dr Khan says.
In most cases, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) causes no symptoms or only mild symptoms, which can be confused with normal sexual activity. However, if your symptoms are severe or cause pain or changes in your sexual function, it may be necessary to see a gynaecologist, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Although we strive to provide accurate information about the cause of hemorrhoids in Men and Women, it is always possible to make an error. If you find any inaccurate or incomplete info, please comment below.