A number of types of kidney stones exist, including calcium and uric acid kidney stones, and in this article, we examine how to naturally treat kidney stones.

KAMPALA | LIFESTYLE UGANDA (https://lifestyleuganda.com/) — There are several types of kidney stones, including Kidney stone pain location, calcium and uric acid kidney stones, struvite kidney stones, cystine kidney stones, magnesium kidney stones, uric acid kidney stones, phosphoric acid kidney stones, and we discuss how to naturally treat kidney stones in this article.
To prevent the occurrence of this type of kidney stone, you should eat less oxalates-rich food that includes beet tops, prune juice, spinach, chocolate, and beets. If you already have these kidney stones, make sure you follow a strict diet and exercise program.
You also need to change your lifestyle by avoiding substances that can cause the formation of kidney stones, drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables.
What causes Kidney Stones? Kidney stones occur when bacteria, debris and minerals combine in the urinary tract and create solid forms. Bacteria sometimes include yeast and microorganisms. Sometimes they originate from the gastrointestinal tract.
These may include food allergic reactions, obesity, menopause, smoking, birth control pills, and drugs such as diuretics, aspirin, and antibiotics.
If kidney stones form, symptoms usually appear in the lower urinary tract, such as in the urethra and bladder. The pain associated with them can be extremely acute. Pain that radiates up to the neck and chest may be present.
Other symptoms include fever, vomiting, restlessness, and severe pain upon urinating. Urine can appear to be cloudy, smelling like sewage, or even having a strange taste.
When symptoms persist
How to treat Kidney Stones when symptoms persist, a physician should be consulted. Since some forms of kidney stones are formed by tiny pieces of materials (like pigment in coal), these should be removed carefully.
To dissolve these, the patient may drink plenty of water or other liquids, as directed by the doctor. If antacids are administered, patients should take them after every meal or as directed by the doctor.
When symptoms of kidney stones develop
How to treat Kidney Stones when symptoms of kidney stones develop, treatment options depend on how much pain is present, the size of the stones, the age of the patient, his or her risk factors for developing kidney stones, the amount of urine already in the system, and the patient’s general health.
A physician can suggest various treatments depending on the severity of the symptoms.
Depending on how much pain is present, one method of treatment may not work. For instance, if the patient’s symptom is acute kidney pain, he may require hospitalization and may be given a variety of medications until the pain eases.
Patients may be advised to stay away from foods that contain a high amount of purine, such as shellfish, meat, and other seafood.
The Diet
Diet is one of the factors that can affect the symptoms of kidney stones, thus it is important to avoid ingredients that can affect the kidney stone’s formation.
As for the food intake, patients should limit the number of proteins and animal-derived foods like red meat, dairy, and egg yolks. It is also important not to combine alcoholic beverages with the medications taken to treat stones because alcohol can thin out the urine and can lead to further kidney stone formation.
As for drinks, patients are strongly recommended to abstain from alcoholic beverages altogether or at least limit the amount they drink.
Other drinks may be okay as long as they are consumed in small amounts.
The size and consistency of the urine are also important factors in the process of how to treat kidney stones. If the urine is light in color (semi-clear), then there is no need to worry.
This means that the kidney stone is not too big and will pass through the body on its own.
However, if the urine is cloudy or has a greenish tint to it, then the stone is probably large and will need medical treatment to get rid of it. Animal proteins like meat can also cause the urine to be cloudy; therefore, these foods should be avoided by patients taking medications to prevent kidney stones from forming.
Taking care of your kidney stones involves a number of preventative measures, and diet is just one of them. In order for the kidney stone to come out, it must be broken down or dissolved. This can only be done by Uro hydro propulsion or the administration of fluids, specifically water.
Certain foods can greatly affect the stone’s ability to dissolve, thus patients are strongly advised to avoid consuming them.
On the other hand, certain types of animal proteins can actually increase the chances of developing stones so patients are encouraged to eat them in moderation.