The steering wheel is usually stiff when the car is cold; this is because often the steering rack and the tie rod are frozen and the steering pump pad is jammed up.

If your steering wheel is stiff, you may be experiencing some trouble turning the steering wheel in a circular motion.
The steering wheel is a very important part of the vehicle. It controls how the vehicle turns so the steering wheel is very important and should be given proper care and attention when it is dirty or if it is older and you think it is suffering from some kind of problem.
It is not as easy to troubleshoot the steering wheel as it sounds since it is round and there are not many parts that can be accessed when it is a little dusty.
However, you can read about all the possible problems that your steering wheel is having and some solutions on how to solve all the problems that your steering wheel is experiencing.
The steering wheel is usually stiff when the car is cold; this is because often the steering rack and the tie rod are frozen and the steering pump pad is jammed up because the steering pump is stuck up as well.
This is what causes the steering wheel to become stiff. Usually, this happens at night when the temperature is zero and the steering pump is not working properly.
Some cars have a liquid cooling which removes the heat away from the steering rack and the rack helps to make the steering rack work properly.
Another common reason why your steering wheel is stiff is that it is losing contact with the road. This happens because there is a problem with the power steering system.
Sometimes the steering rack is touching the steering system causing the steering system to lose steering grip and move slowly when you turn the wheel. This problem usually happens if you are driving in strong winds or rain, which puts extra pressure on the steering system.
To fix this problem, you need to disconnect the power steering pump to the steering system then disconnect the steering pump to the steering system.
Sometimes you might also feel that your steering wheel is tight even when there is no problem with the steering system. This can be caused by the steering fluid leaking beyond the steering wheel. Sometimes the steering system is just plain worn out, making it very tight.
To solve this, you need to fill the steering tank with new high-quality steering fluid. Make sure you put some type of barrier between the steering wheel and the steering pump so that the fluid will not leak around it while you are steering.
You can also get steering wheel stiffness by turning the steering wheel too hard. To do this, make sure you do not apply too much force to the steering wheel. Turn the wheel just enough to feel like you are applying a slight force to it.
If you have to turn the wheel too much, stop and relax for a few seconds and take a few deep breaths. The harder you turn the steering wheel, the more gas it is going to burn.
Another reason why your steering wheel is stiff could be because you have poor steering rack maintenance. Steering rack height is usually adjustable on most cars. This means you could be steering wheel too low or way too high.
Check the steering rack to make sure you are following the manufacturer’s recommendations. If the steering rack is not properly adjusted, then it will cause steering stiffness.
The third possible reason why your steering wheel is stiff could be because your power steering fluid is not running enough. Sometimes you might experience steering stiffness when you use your power steering pump too often or you turn it too far too quickly.
To solve this problem, add a small bit of power steering fluid to the tank of your vehicle. Make sure you always refill your power steering fluid according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Sometimes you will notice that your wheels are stiff even though you have performed all of the maintenance listed above and your power steering system hasn’t changed. If this is the case, then there could be some serious problems with your steering system.
One of these problems could be a leak that is underneath the rubber seal on the edge of the wheel.
To fix this problem, remove the rubber seal and locate the area where the leak is. You will need to use a few parts to repair the leak.