Uganda’s celebrated female pop star, Sheebah Karungi is set to hold her Omwooyo Concert on 30th November and the self-proclaimed Queen of the area has graced us over time with more than music – but with fashion and she’s a fashion slayer.
From her amazing on stage performances to irresistible lyrics, then to being an inspiration to many teenagers, Sheebah is currently at the top of her game as well as Uganda’s best female artist of her generation.
The Swagga Ma’ama, as she is commonly known by some of her fans puts in a lot of work just to make sure everything matches her lifestyle, especially when performing on stage.
And when it comes to fashion, Sheebah doesn’t and never disappoint – from amazing performances, photo shoots, red carpets (ASFA & more) to social media mostly Instagram, surely, she knows how to dress to inspire for any occasion/event.
Sheebah’s Outfits That We will Never Forget Before Omwooyo concert
When we think of Sheebah’s skimpy fashion style, we think of almost all the elements of her embodied appearance, seen in her outfits, facial expression, body posture, gestures and dance moves.

That’s because Sheebah will try everything before doing anything, and then again if it happens to work for her — and given her body confidence, and of course figure, she usually gives it a try.
Most of her costumes boldly reveal some parts of her body which suggests an
expression of bodily freedom and her postures signifies it even further – Check out the gallery here.

About 99% of the time, Sheebah is always seen keeping her skimpy fashion style on point, and we’re proud of her because the style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.
That’s what makes Sheebah’s style a fashion beyond borders and a fashionista in her own right — and a 2018 recipient of the Abryanz Style and Fashion Awards with Mummy Yo as Fashionable Music Video Of The Year.
In honour of her upcoming Omwooyo concert, we have listed some of her best Instagram looks that we will never forget, and are said to be her favorites.

So we have also gathered the best memorable fashion moments of Sheebah over time, including the wildest outfit that she wore at UMA showground during the 4th edition of Shell gas Tokosa festival.
From her most revealing to her craziest and amazing outfits, check them all out in the gallery (here) before she goes to Omwooyo concert on 30th November at Hotel Africana.