The most common cause for toes turning black is onycholysis, which is a separation of the nail from the nail bed. Other possible causes include trauma, tinea pedis, tinea unguium, and erythrasma.

KAMPALA | LIFESTYLE UGANDA — Toes turning black can be caused by a variety of causes, including onycholysis, which is a separation of the nail from the nail bed; other possible causes include trauma, tinea pedis, tinea unguium, and erythroderma.
Onycholysis occurs when the nails separate from the skin that surrounds them because of strong pressure. This can happen when people wear shoes that are too tight or go barefoot for a long time such as in prolonged water exposure during swimming or bathing.
It is also possible for nails to separate from their beds due to the excessive use of hand sanitisers and foot powders.
Symptoms may include painless loss of nails, uncomfortable sensations in toes and soles due to rubbing against floors without protection, and discolouration in the nail
The toes are commonplace to experience this phenomenon. The toes turning black is a sign of something that is not good in the body.
There are many causes of blackened toenails, some more serious than others. Some people may experience this after an injury, such as getting their nails caught in a door, while others may have diabetes or peripheral vascular disease.
One of the most sinister causes of blackened toenails is melanoma; this is a type of skin cancer that can affect the nail bed and nail plate.
It is important to know the cause of blackened toes before you can treat them.
Black toenails are a common complaint that many people experience, and there are many reasons for this.
The first thing that needs to be done when your toes turn black is to figure out why they turned this way. There are many reasons for your toes turning black, and it is important that you find the right treatment for your specific case of blackened toes before they keep getting worse.
The blackening of the toes is an indication that the circulatory system is not working properly or that there is a buildup of fluids in the lower body.
It can be caused by many different things, such as peripheral vascular disease, heart failure or problems with blood clotting. It could also be a sign of diabetes or tumours in the kidney or bladder.
The blackening of the toes can also be caused by other conditions which are not life-threatening.
The feet can turn black for many reasons, and it’s important to determine what is causing this so that appropriate treatment can begin to reverse this process from happening anymore.
When blood doesn’t circulate properly, it starts to become toxic and will cause blackened toes.
Your toes start turning black when blood circulation slows down. If you have a condition like peripheral vascular disease, diabetes, or high cholesterol levels, these are risk factors for poor circulation.
This is a common question for those who are not used to wearing closed-toed shoes. Usually, it’s due to the material of the shoe that causes this change.
Some materials such as leather or suede can cause an individual’s toes to turn black, while other materials such as cotton may leave the toes color unchanged. When wearing closed-toed shoes, it may be best to avoid these materials.
Toes turning black can be a sign of many different things. For example, it could mean that you have poor circulation or that you may have an infection.
The most common causes of black toes are poor circulation or infection.
A darkening of the skin on the bottom of the feet is a common symptom among people with diabetes.
It’s caused by damage to tiny blood vessels in this area. This blackening, called peripheral neuropathy, can also cause burning or pain in the feet.
The treatment for this condition is to control your blood sugar levels and reduce your risk for skin infection by keeping your feet clean and dry.
This is called cyanosis (, and it can be caused by a lack of oxygen.
This happens because the skin turns blue, which doesn’t allow blood to get through. The body is trying to compensate for this by sending more blood to the extremities in order to increase the flow of oxygenated blood through these veins.
This is called a black-toe syndrome. It is a rare condition that affects the toes, often in one foot only.
Black-toe syndrome usually starts with the toes turning dark and then black. Dark and black spots can also appear on the feet or nails, which can cause hair loss around the nails.
When you have diabetes, your blood sugar levels can get too high and cause a serious medical condition called diabetic ketoacidosis. This is a condition where the body starts producing too many ketones, organic compounds that are produced when fat is broken down for energy.
When there is an excess of ketones in the body, they spill over into the urine and make it more acidic. This acidity can cause a person’s nails to turn black.
There are a lot of people who ask themselves this question. There are many possibilities of why this could happen.
Some medical disorders can cause a person’s skin to turn black, such as thickening of the skin or melanoma. However, these are rare causes for toe discolouration and are usually not the cause of black arches.
More likely causes are nail polish, soaks in hot water for too long or wearing shoes that don’t have enough space for toes to breathe and maintain their healthy color.
Here are some frequently asked questions about black toes.
#1. When your toes turn black, what is it called?
In Gangrene, blood supply is cut off at a certain point, which directly results in the death of body tissue. It can strike any part of the body, however, it normally begins in the toes, feet, fingers, and hands.
The cause of gangrene can be an injury, an infection, or a chronic condition that affects blood circulation.
#2. What is the best way to get rid of black toes?
In mild cases, over-the-counter antifungal ointments, creams, and polishes are usually effective. However, in severe cases, prescription antifungal medication may be required.
When a black toenail results from an injury, the resulting spot of broken blood vessels will disappear once your nail grows out.
#3. How does the darkening of the feet occur?
Haemosiderin is a brown pigment created during the breakdown of red blood cells’ haemoglobin, which contains iron.
Inflammation of the feet and ankles is called Stasis Dermatitis, and it is typically caused by Venous Insufficiency, known also as venous reflux disease or venous hypertension.